Single Chat Appointment

Single Chat appointment service

The Jockey Club Youth Emotional Health Online Support Platform "Open Up" has launched a new "Single Chat Appointment" service. We provide online emotional support for young people aged 11-35. If the system notices you've been waiting for a while or if the queue is too long, it will offer you an appointment option.

Here's how to make an appointment:

  1. Choose a time that suits you

  2. Leave your mobile number

  3. The system will send you a link via SMS

  4. At the appointed time, click the link to start the conversation

Please note that if you wish to make another appointment, you must wait one week after completing this session. Also, if you are more than 15 minutes late, the appointment link will expire.

No matter if it's about academics, family, friends, work, or anything else that's troubling you, we are here to listen. This service allows you to choose a time that suits you, so you can get support when you need it.

Procedures for Using Single Chat Appointment

As long as you want to talk, you can contact us through your mobile phone or computer anytime, anywhere.